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Viewing Maintenance Work Requests and Work Orders

Maintenance Work RequestMaintenance Work Requests software must make it easy for maintenance managers, supervisors and craft persons to quickly check the status of work requests, which may be outstanding.

The CMMS or maintenance work system should support a suitable method of selectively displaying lists of these work requests by trade, work type (e.g. planned, unplanned, safety), department, etc.



Ensure that the Maintenance Work Request Software makes things easy for your Maintenance Personnel

It is important to ensure that your selected software package makes it easy for production personnel to raise a work order. Software packages handle this in different ways. Consider the information that is required from your personnel when they are raising the work order. For example, a software application should assist them as much as possible by providing pull down lists, etc. as opposed to requiring them to input free text.



Viewing Outstanding Work Orders or Work Requests

The Software functionality should also make it easy for your maintenance personnel to list work orders that are outstanding, complete, on hold, etc. Most software packages allow work orders to be given different statuses. Look for a system that allows you to define your own work order status list.


Viewing Completed Work Orders

Just as important as completed work orders, the software functionality with respect to the listing of completed work orders must meet your specific requirements. Completed work orders can be used to make reliability and continuous improvement decisions. Ensure that the software lets you list completed work separately as both planned and unplanned. It should also be capable of listing work orders by department, equipment, by repairing trade, by date, shift or whatever other factor may be important to your particular circumstances.



Maintenance Work Requests versus Work Orders

It is worth pointing out that in maintenance management there is a distinction between work requests and work orders. When someone in an organisation has a plant or equipment problem they generally raise a work request. The maintenance authority in the organisation is generally then responsible for receiving this request and, assuming that it is a valid request, changing its status from work request to work order.

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