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Maintenance Product Advertising

Marketing your Maintenance Products by Advertising on the Perspective CMMS Website

We can provide you with precisely targeted prospects for CMMS/CAFM and other maintenance products, e.g. CoSHH, Health and Safety, Risk Assessment, Maintenance Training, Gauge and Calibration Management, Condition Monitoring, Vibration Analysis and Thermal Imaging equipment.

maintenance Advertising

If you are in the maintenance business there is likely to be a page on the Perspective CMMS website that attracts the people you are targeting with your maintenance product.


NOTE: above links open in a new window

The above figures are exceptional and representative of the position the Perspective CMMS website holds in Google's search results at the end of March 2012. We have left the search links in place so just click any of them to check current Google rankings. We are confident that our place in Google's rankings is established and sustainable.

For CMMS product searches the simple keyword "CMMS" (perhaps combined with other words) is by far the most important, accounting for 60% to 80% of all searches made by people seeking information on CMMS systems. We work at ensuring we retain these positions constantly and you can share in this success.

This is an authority website, which is probably the most popular on the Internet for CMMS and other maintenance information. It has links from many other authority sites in the maintenance and engineering world. All of these deliver targeted traffic. We do not attract casual surfers, only those who are specifically seeking information on maintenance software, CMMS and CAFM systems. If you are in the CMMS, condition monitoring or maintenance equipment sales business this site can put your products in front of many qualified prospects for a low price and with no long term commitment required.



Maintenance Product Advertising Option 1

The CMMS Vendors' Page link under the menu on the right hand column of our homepage takes people who are looking for CMMS systems to the Featured Vendors' page where your CMMS product details can be displayed.


Typical Maintenance Product Advert

Advertising Maintenance Logo

Your Logo Here

Your Company Name Here

"Your Company Slogan Here"

Your company details and information about your maintenance products can be inserted in a panel like this. You may add up to 250 words describing your products and services. The information may include hyperlinks to pages within your website giving you an additional opportunity to maximise your advert. This is your chance to sell your product so choose your content carefully.

Design of this panel with your specified colours, etc. is included in the cost of ...


When you consider that just one or two sales arising from this link is likely to offer you a full return on your investment this represents excellent value for money.

The order in which the ads are listed on the page is first come first served for the first three entries. After this we may invite bidding for the top position so don't waste time, contact us now.


Maintenance Product Advertising Option 2

As an alternative to the featured CMMS Company page shown above we can also offer various banner ad placements. These can almost always be placed on a page of your choice and we can design a suitable banner for you.

For example, if you are a condition monitoring software or hardware company and you want to advertise on our condition monitoring page you will receive very highly targeted traffic. At the time of writing (July 2009) we are in the top four of Google's results in a search for condition monitoring.

If you select a suitable page for your company advertisement you could receive highly lucrative traffic.

Final Points

We don't "channel" your enquiries. We send them directly to you meaning that you can track the website visitor statistics yourself.

At the bottom of your entry on the featured CMMS companies page or on your personal banner you may include your full contact details including website links, email address and telephone numbers.

Email us if you require any clarification on this.

CMMS contact details Telephone +44(0)1389 758245 (UK Time 9am 5.30pm only)





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